Impressions from our staff party
Rotes Einhorn would not be Rotes Einhorn without our fantastic team. To thank them for their great support, we recently held a party with all our staff.
Rotes Einhorn would not be Rotes Einhorn without our fantastic team. To thank them for their great support, we recently held a party with all our staff.
Owner Birgit Boddenberg and Bunny Mätthes wish all guests of the Red Unicorn Happy Easter!
Asparagus season has finally arrived. In our seasonal asparagus menu you find a selsction of dishes with the delicious "white gold".
Liebe Gäste, auf diesem Weg bedanken wir uns ganz herzlich für jeden Besuch und jede Bestellung in den letzten Monaten.
We are looking for additional staff for our indoor and outdoor catering:
Our new large ballroom is finally in use! Bookings very welcome via our contact form.
In this video, owner Birgit Boddenberg takes you on a tour from the terrace to the kitchen of Rotes Einhorn.
Every day, the redesigned Red Unicorn takes shape and everything looks a bit more finished - and greener, too!
Einen gemütlichen Abend im Restaurant mit der Familie oder Freunden verbringen und sich dabei mit köstlichen Speisen und frisch gezapften Getränken verwöhnen lassen, das ist leider noch nicht ganz möglich.Aber fast!